Why car insurance is mandatory for car owners
Connecticut was the first state to issue automobile insurance in 1925. The constitutional state required drivers to demonstrate financial responsibility in the event of an automobile accident resulting in injury, […]
Some Changes Policy Car insurance You Should Know 2024
New car insurance packages have been put in place since January 1, 2022: property damage or bodily injury, the minimum threshold for claiming expertise, and compensation scales… Find out everything […]
No police report? Here is your insurance claims manual!
You had a car accident. You and the other motorist exchanged information, then separated because no one appeared injured. The damage didn’t seem too bad either. As no one appeared to have […]
How much does car insurance cost 2024?
If you’re in the market for auto insurance, you probably have a lot of questions. One of them is probably how much car insurance costs. The answer depends on several […]
What is Homeowners Insurance Coverage 2024?
Homeowners coverage, sometimes called homeowners insurance, is the part of your homeowner’s insurance policy that may help you pay to rebuild or repair the physical structure of your home if […]
What is home insurance and what does it cover 2024?
When you think about home insurance, you think about protection. Most people simply cannot rebuild their home and replace all of its contents if a disaster strikes, which is why […]
What does collision insurance cover?
Collision insurance is one of the first protection plans you’ll need if you want full coverage car insurance. But do you know how it works? Keep reading to find out. We’ve put […]